Future Teachers Scholarship

Scholarship Description

The Future Teachers Scholarship Program was established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education as an incentive to encourage the preparation of teachers in critical shortage areas in the public schools of Oklahoma.

The student must be a resident of Oklahoma.
The student must be nominated by the college in which they are enrolled on the basis of one of the following criteria:
A. cumulative high school grade point average ranking in the top 15 percent of his or her high school graduating class; OR
B. ACT or SAT score ranking in the top 15 percent for high school graduates of the same year; OR
C. admission to a professional education program at an accredited Oklahoma institution of higher education; OR
D. an undergraduate record of outstanding success, as defined by the institution.
Full-time and part-time students are eligible for the scholarship; however, highest priority will be given to full-time students.
Scholarship recipients must maintain no less than a 2.5 cumulative grade point average.
Each recipient must agree to teach in a shortage area in Oklahoma public schools for a minimum of three consecutive years upon graduation and licensure as a teacher.
Recipients may receive the scholarship for not more than four years, or the equivalent of four years, of full-time study.

A new application must be submitted each academic year.
Application deadlines are established by individual institutions. Completed applications are to be submitted to the nominating institution. The following documentation is required:
A. First-time freshman must submit a copy of their high school transcript and ACT or SAT score, whichever is applicable.
B. Students who have attended a postsecondary institution must submit official transcripts from all institutions attended.
C. All students must submit the essay portion of the application on a separate sheet.
Institutions will submit scholarship candidates and alternates in priority order to the State Regents office.
The State Regents office will notify institutions of awards.

An award amount for each nominated student will be determined by the college the student attends. The following annual award limits have been set by the State Regents:

Enrollment Hours Completed Toward
Baccalaureate Degree Maximum
Annual Award
Full-time 60 hours and above $1,500
Full-time Less than 60 hours $1,000
Part-time 60 hours and above $750
Part-time Less than 60 hours $500
For purposes of this program, full-time enrollment means not less than 12 credit hours per semester for undergraduates and not less than nine credit hours per semester for graduate students. Part-time enrollment means not less than six credit hours per semester.

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,

Type: Merit Based

Num Awards: Varies

Min Award: 500

Max Award: 1,500

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
PO Box 108850
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-8850

Contact Person:

Phone: 800-858-1840 / (225.9239 Oklahoma City area)



