Scholarship Description
These grants are intended to support serious scholarly work. They enable individuals to pursue advanced study and research in the collections of the Hagley Museum and Library. They are available to both degree candidates and senior scholars, as well as applicants without advanced degrees. Applications are welcome from scholars and writers working independently as well as college and university teachers, librarians, archivists, museum curators, and scholars from fields other than the humanities. Grant recipients are required to spend their time in residence at Hagley, or at least to travel there on a regular and consistent basis. Low-cost rental accommodations may be available on the museum grounds. As much as possible, recipients should be prepared to devote their full time to the award for the duration of their appointment. The grant program is also valuable for the collegial association it provides. As a center for advanced study in the humanities, Hagley is a focal point for a community of scholars. Scholars are expected to participate in seminars which meet periodically, as well as attend noontime colloquia, lectures, concerts, exhibits, and other public programs offered during their tenure. Stipends are for a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of two months at no more than $1,400 per month.
Year of Need: 3rd Year Grad,
Num Awards: Varies
Min Award: 1400month
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-10-30
Sponsoring Organization
Hagley Museum and Library
P.O. Box 3630
Wilmington, DE 198070630
Contact Person: Dr. Philip B. Scranton
Phone: 302-658-2400
Fax: 302-655-3188