Charles W. Riley Fire and Emergency Medical Services Tuition Reimbursement Program

Scholarship Description

Who may apply: Active career or volunteer firefighters, ambulance or rescue squad members.How to apply: Complete and file a Charles W. Riley Fire and Emergency Medical Services Tuition Reimbursement application.When to apply: By July 1Eligible majors: Fire service technology and emergency medical technology.ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSYou must be an active career or volunteer firefighter, ambulance or rescue squad member. You must serve a Maryland community while you take college courses and continue to serve for another year after you complete the courses.  You must attend a Maryland institution and enroll in a degree or certificate program in either fire service technology or emergency medical technology.  You must be a Maryland resident to apply for this program.AWARD AMOUNTYou will receive the actual dollar amount of tuition charges you have paid. Applicants must receive at least a grade of “C” or better in any course specifically required for program completion.  The amount of the award may not exceed the equivalent annual tuition of a resident undergraduate student at the four-year public institution within the University System of Maryland, other than the University of Maryland University College and University of Maryland, Baltimore, with the highest annual expense for a full-time resident undergraduate.  Room and board and mandatory or optional fees are not reimbursed.  Funds may not be available to award all eligible students.RENEWING AN AWARDTo renew an award, you must maintain the satisfactory academic progress standards of the institution you attend and remain enrolled in an eligible program. You may reapply for the award each year.SERVICE OBLIGATIONYou must agree to serve a Maryland community as a career or volunteer firefighter or ambulance and rescue squad member while you take college courses. You must continue to serve for one year after you complete the courses. If you hold this scholarship with any other award requiring a service obligation, you must perform your service in consecutive years.

Year of Need: College Junior, College Senior,


Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award:

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-07-01


Sponsoring Organization Maryland Higher Education Commission
Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) 6 North Liberty Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Contact Person:

Phone: (410) 767-3300 / (800) 974-0203

Fax: (410) 332-0250


